The best way to get acquainted with the layout of RLC is to simply spend some time walking around talking to other users (as well as Volunteers and Guides), who are always willing to help someone get familiar with where businesses, clubs and other attractions are located.

Things can change very quickly in the world, so there are not currently any maps of businesses and clubs available.

Here are a few other ways you can get around in the virtual world:

VWW World Directory

You can access a directory of various venues and businesses two ways:

  • In-World by clicking the Explore button, then the Directory tab
  • On the web by visiting 

You can explore the directory by clicking different categories, or use the search bar to search by keyword or title. To visit a property, click its name in the list.

To list your world in the world directory:

  1. Log in to the Social Center then navigate to the following tabs: Property>Manage Property
  2. Use the drop-down to select the world your property is in
  3. Then find the property and click Manage
  4. Click the Keywords tab to open the listing and keywords page
  5. Choose a category and subcategory for your property from the drop-down
  6. Click UPDATE to save your changes

It is recommended that after you list your property you also add a description. This can be done on the same page, under “About Your Property”. Make sure you click UPDATE to save your changes.

Adding tags to your property makes it easier for people to find in the directory. Tags should be common words people might enter to find a property like yours. To add tags:

  1. Log in to the Social Center then navigate to the following tabs: Property>Manage Property
  2. Use the drop-down to select the world your property is in, then find the property and click Manage
  3. Click the Keywords tab to open the listing and keywords page
  4. In the box marked ‘Enter Keywords for Your Property’, add up to 25 words, separated by commas
  5. Click UPDATE to save your changes


The Events Calendar lists current and upcoming events. Most are hosted by members, but some are hosted by the RLC Events Team. You can access the Events Calendar two ways:

You can use the arrows to navigate through different times and dates, and click an event to open its details page. From there, if an event is currently active, you can click the VWW link to visit the venue and join the fun!

For more on finding events and listing your own events, visit the Events Calendar help article.

Saving & Using Landmarks

Landmarks are a handy way to save the address to a place you'd like to visit again. 

To save a Landmark:

  1. Visit the property you want to save the address for
  2. Click the Landmarks button at the top of the 3D browser
  3. Enter the title you'd like to save it as. If you don't enter a title, the default title for the property will be used
  4. Click Create. The property is now saved in your list of Landmarks

To visit a Landmark:

  1. Click the Landmarks button at the top of the 3D browser
  2. Find the property you want to visit in your list of saved Landmarks
  3. Click the property name to be transported directly to it


Dimensions are identical copies of a property that can serve two purposes: allow separation between different orientations and languages, and catch population capacity overflow. People in different dimensions will not be able to see each other, and will not share a general chat. Each dimension has its own general chat.

You can see a list of available dimensions by clicking the Dimensions button (Looks like a D) on your button menu (where you can see the mini version of your avatar int he upper-right corner of the 3D Browser)

From the list, click any dimension you'd like to enter it. You can see each dimension's orientation and language settings, as well as whether or not it's reached its population capacity.

To learn more about dimensions, languages & orientations, and dimensions settings for your properties, visit the Dimensions help article.

If you'd like to learn about how to access your own properties, visit the Visiting Your Properties article.