WG Plans

All WGs must have a listing in the WG Directory.

Free Listing: A free WG listing does not cost anything, but doesn’t include many of the options that make you more searchable and appealing. A free listing includes:

  • Your profile name
  • One small profile picture
  • List of services you provide
  • Your rates
  • Link to your Social Center profile
  • WG badge to apply to your avatar in-world when working

Premium: A Premium WG listing comes with everything a Free WG listing has plus additional features that can make you more appealing to potential clients:

  • Add a description to tell potential clients about yourself and your services and specials
  • Photo album with three additional photo slots
  • Link to your website
  • Upload a billboard ad to be displayed in-world
  • Premium WG badge to wear in-world when working

When searching the directory, clients can select the option to only show profiles with album photos, giving WGs with additional photos uploaded better visibility in searches.

Verified: Getting age, gender and photo verified makes you very appealing to potential clients because they know that the person they hire is exactly who they see in the profile. Your listing and search preview will both display an icon indicating your verified status, making you highly visible in searches. Here’s what a verified listing gets in addition to all the benefits of a premium profile:

  • Verified WG Icon on listing and search preview
  • Verified filter in directory means you show up in more searches
  • Updated WG badge in-world based on your verified gender or status as an adult industry worker

Premium and Verified plans cost 50 Rays per month, 125 Rays for 3 Months, or 225 Rays for 6 months.

All WGs must adhere to the WG Rules of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in a warning, removal of WG privileges without refund, or a profile ban at WG Staff and Utherverse® World Ops discretion.

WG Badges

WGs must always wear their badge when soliciting. The type of badge displayed lets potential clients quickly know some basic information about a WG. You can toggle your WG Badge on or off from your main Social Center page after you log in.

Free Listings:

WG: WG has a free listing and is not age, gender, or photo verified.

Premium Listings:

WG Premium: WG has a paid listing and can upload more photos and info, but is not age, gender, or photo verified.

Verified Listings:

Working Girl: WG is age, photo and gender verified as a woman

Working Guy: WG is age, photo and gender verified as a man

Working T-Girl: WG is age, photo and gender verified as a trans woman

Working T-Guy: WG is age, photo and gender verified as a trans man

Adult Star: WG is a verified adult industry worker and is age, gender, and photo verified. You can open a WG ticket to request this badge once you've completed the verification process.

Staff & Volunteers:

WG Liaison: Staff member can assist with WG related questions and concerns.

WG Staff: Staff member can assist with WG related questions and concerns.