Swag Bags are virtual gift bags! Members can claim gifts from each open Swag Bag for free, provided they meet eligibility requirements. Each bag, and sometimes each gift, will have different eligibility requirements.
To see a list of open Swag Bags log in to swagbags.utherverse.com with your RLC username and password.
To see which bags you can donate to log in to swagbags.utherverse.com/manager with your RLC username and password

How to Claim Gifts
You can check swagbags.utherverse.com to see what bags are open for gift claiming. The Loyalty Gifts bag is always open, and each year you will become eligible to receive more gifts from the bag. Other Swag Bags appear seasonally or for special events.
- Log in to swagbags.utherverse.com with your RLC username and password
- Click on a bag to open it
- You can now either scroll through all the gifts or filter them using the drop-down menus
- Click the Details button on any gift to view more information about it
- To claim a gift, you can click +Add from the main view, or Add Item from the details view. Claimed gifts will be moved from the list of available gifts to a the top of the page.
- Gift Certificates, Coupons and Discounts: Click 'ADD+' to claim the item, then click 'DETAILS' for instructions on how to use your coupon
- Virtual Layouts: Click 'ADD+' to claim the layout. It will automatically be made available to any of your properties that are compatible with the layout.
- Virtual Property: Click 'ADD+' and select the world you'd like to add your new property to. The property will be added automatically to your world.
- Virtual Clothing: Click 'ADD+' to claim the outfit. It will automatically be added to your closet.
BASIC MEMBERS: Most items can only be claimed by VIPs! To collect more prizes, upgrade to VIP!
How to Donate Gifts
Donating to a Swag Bag is a great way to show off your work and share with the community! Thank you to the many members who have contributed to Swag Bags!
- Log in to swagbags.utherverse.com/manager with your RLC username and password
- Click the name of the bag (under the Event heading) to open its donor page
- Click
- Upload New Item
- Edit the available fields/settings
- Select item type: This is where you choose what type of item you'd like to donate. Once the item type is selected, the appropriate setting options for that item will become available
- Item Title: Some items require a title. This should be short and concise, letting people know at a glance what the item is. Something like 50% Off Advertising, or One Free Item at ShopName
- Item Description: This is where you can enter a short blurb about your item. This is especially important with things that require further action on the claimer's part, like coupons
- Image: Some items require an image. This should be something simple and eye catching, making it easy to see what the item is and why it's appealing. Image dimensions are 300x198
- Item Link: If your item requires a link to use or claim, enter it here
- Item Price: If you are donating Ray, this is the price PER GIFT, not the total amount you will donate over time. So if I want to donate a total of 1000 Rays, with each person getting 100, I'd enter 10 here
- Maximum/Enter Maximum Items: For Rays, this is the the total amount you want to donate divided by the amount you entered in Item Price. So if I want to donate 1000 Rays, with each person getting 100, I'd enter 10 here
- Unlimited will still only allow one item per member, but any number of members can claim it: the supply will never run out
- Limited QTY will allow you to set a maximum number of that item to donate - for example if you only want to give out 10 copies of a shirt, you would set this to 10. The Quantity Distribution setting lets you choose if it will go to the first 10 members to claim, or if it will appear to random members
- Limit Per Hour/Day will let you set a maximum number of copies distributed within a set time period. For example, if you want to give out one shirt per day, until all 10 are gone.
- Item is Active: This toggles whether the gift will show in the bag for people to claim. You can deactivate a gift any time by unchecking this box. This is also useful if you want to add multiple items to a bag, but don't want them to be claimed until a certain time. In that case, leave the box unchecked, then come back and activate the gift when you're ready.
- Check the 'Item is active' box or the item won't show up for other members!
- Click Submit
You can manage your donated gifts at any time through the bag's donor page. Items that people have already claimed cannot be deleted, but you can deactivate them so nobody sees or claims them anymore, by unchecking the 'Item is active' box in the Edit Item window.
Swag Bag FAQ
Do I have to pay a transfer fee when someone claims an item I donated?
No! The Swag Bag creates a copy of your gift when you upload it, and takes care of all transfers automatically for free.
I can't delete an item I donated!
Items that have been claimed even once cannot be deleted. You can deactivate the item to hide it from the item claim page by un-checking the 'Item is active' box from the item's Edit Item menu. If you cannot deactivate at item and receive an error message, please open a ticket with Business Support.
I donated an item but nobody can see/claim it!
The most common reason for this is the 'Item is active' box has not been checked. Click the 'Edit Item' link to open the edit menu and make sure 'Item is active' has been checked. Another reason an item may not be showing is a quantity or distribution limit has been set - double check the item settings to make sure the item limit hasn't been reached, or to remove the item limit.
How do I claim my free Spectacular Property?
The free Spectacular Property is available to certain members through the Loyalty Gifts bag. When your account has been open long enough to receive this gift, the coupon will appear in your bag and you will be notified.
If you've receive a coupon for a free Spectacular Property:
- Claim the item
- Take a look at the available Spectacular Properties and decide which one you'd like
- Open a ticket with Business Support
- Include in your message:
- That you're claiming the free Spectacular PRoperty
- Which Spectacular Property you'd like
- If you have multiple worlds, which world to send it to
How do I claim my free rent?
The Free Rent coupon is available to certain members through the Loyalty Gifts bag. When your account has been open long enough to receive this gift, the coupon will appear in your bag and you will be notified.
If you've received a coupon for Free Rent:
- Claim the item
- Decide which of your owned properties you'd like to be free
- Open a ticket with Business Support
- Include in your message
- That you're claiming the Free Rent coupon
- the VWW link to your chosen property
How do I claim my free advertising?
The Free Advertising coupon is available to certain members through the Loyalty Gifts bag. When your account has been open long enough to receive this gift, the coupon will appear in your bag and you will be notified.
If you've received a coupon for Free Advertising:
- Claim the item
- Take a look at the Ad Locations and decide which one you'd like to use
- Open a ticket with Business Support
- Include in your message
- That you're claiming the Free Ad coupon
- Which ad spot you'd like to use
- The date you'd like your ad to start (please allow at least two full workdays for staff to set up your ad)
- The ad image you'd like used. Correct sizes are listed with each location on the Ad Locations page
- The link you'd like included with your ad
How do I claim/use my profile certificate?
Profile certificates are available through the Loyalty Gifts bag. A new one will become available to you each year on the anniversary of your account creation date.
To add the certificate to your profile:
- Click the Profile tab in your Social Center
- Click the Personality sub-tab
- Copy the following code, but replace YOURLINK with the link provided in the item details: <img src='YOURLINK'>
- Paste it into one of the boxes - whichever one you want the certificate to show up in
- Save your changes
If the certificate is too big (or small) when you visit your profile, you can adjust the height and width by using this code instead, and changing the numbers I've added in red: <img src='YOURLINK' height='381' width='610'>